EVER HAD A BROKEN HEART? Ever been lost in deep loneliness? Ever struggled with the hope that someone you want to be with would make you a priority, but they just don't? Ever wonder if you will find love that would be reciprocal? Are you or someone you know caught in a desperate relationship cycle with someone suffering from serious & heartbreaking addiction?
ABOUT VIDEO TOPIC OF HEALING CODEPENDENCY: Ann M. Wolf's AC/Smooth Jazz fusion track, "Tears, They Wash Me Clean." becomes the foundation of the story of this condition as it unfolds. Though not spoken about as often as chemical or alcohol-based dependency illnesses, "Codependency" is often referred to as an addiction in and of itself, leaving millions of people in mental, emotional, and spiritual pain. The deep wounds may not be visible from the outside, yet can bring on deep depression and a feeling of perpetual loss. In this short-film, Ann concludes with her finding spiritual healing, though, for each soul, what brings about resolution can be different; and understanding more about the illness can help in discovering what steps to take to find relief.
MORE ABOUT CODEPENDENCY: Codependents are drawn to relationships in which they feel controlled or manipulated by another who either cannot or will not be committed to them or who remains emotionally unavailable. The unconscious "end-goal" then becomes, the codependent trying to engage the person they seek into the impossible deep commitment, thereby attempting to validate themselves in the process, a pattern often going back to childhood neglect or trauma. Codependents are more attracted to non-available people rather than available prospects which usually always ends in heartbreak. The codependent could also be attracted to persons affected by chronic addiction (such as an addiction to alcohol or heroin).
BREAKING FREE: Healing from Codependency is possible, but it does take a committed focus on identifying the dependency with others who will not ever "be there" as well as understanding where the pattern started. Much work is also done while in recovery, to learn how to set healthy boundaries, communicate needs clearly, handle loss, and choose healthy as well as available and responsive friends, among other skills & lifestyle changes.
THERE IS HELP: There is likely to be a 12 Step or Celebrate Recovery Program near you which includes support for recovery from Codependency; and in addition, community counseling services also offer many options. Simple searches on the web also produce many great articles & resources which help define Codependency as well as offer solutions.
THE SONG: "Tears They Wash Me Clean" is a track on Ann's "Caught Up In His Love," album.
Words & Music by Ann M. Wolf © 2013 – BMI - All rights reserved.
ARTIST INFO: https://annmwolf.info/
PRODUCER - TRACY COLLINS: http://www.tracycollinsmusic.com/