We catch up with Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade currently busy overseeing the development of non-oil foreign trade sectors and the expansion of global partnerships in what he sees will soon be a 'post-pandemic world'.
Late last year he became one of the first few UAE ministers to take a Covid-19 jab to 'lead his colleagues, friends and family by example'. The petroleum engineer with a PHD from France and an MBA from New York, represents the face of a young and dynamic UAE cabinet, he says, is committed to combatting Covid-19 ‘faster than any other country in the world'. In a freewheeling chat, he spoke about a range of topics including UAE's preparedness for life after the pandemic and the impacts of historic Abraham accords and last week's Al Ula declaration. Read full story on www.khaleejtimes.com