This is the story of Anas Bhatti who started earning millions of rupees by planting a papaya orchard inside Pakistan in the days of Corona. Anas Bhatti, a young man from Mananwala Sheikhupura, says he sells papaya plants by booking online in Pakistan and has sold millions of plants so far. How to grow a papaya plant and how much fruit can be obtained from one plant Yes, how to take care of it, in this video Anas Bhatti has given all the details. Anas Bhatti is trying to create modern agricultural ideas for Pakistani farmers and youth especially.
Farmer: Anas Bhatti
WhatsApp: 03245116828
Location: Manawala Sheikhupura
#PapayaFarming #PapayaPlant #PapitaFarmSheikhupura #Sheikhupura
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