Johansson urges Albanian Parties to Have 'Clean' Candidates in Parliamentary Elections

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During a joint conference with chief negotiator Zef Mazi, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson stated that political parties in Albania should take responsibility for the integrity of candidates for the April 25th elections.

"Albania is approaching the elections and all parties must take responsibility to have the integrity of the candidates on the lists. This has been a really good meeting and I am here to congratulate you on this progress, but of course, more needs to be done," she said.

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Commissioner Johansson further stressed the need for better police co-operation and crime detection at borders. While, she mentioned as a problem the unfounded ausylum applications of Albanians in some EU countries.

"Albania and the EU have a cooperation with all agencies in the field of justice and home affairs. It is a model that we want to repeat in all the countries of the Western Balkans. I am also pleased that major reforms in the country, such as justice reforms, the asylum law that Albania has been able to adopt. Of course, there are many areas for improvement. For example the problem with unfounded asylum applications in some of the EU member states. It is important to continue the reforms in this direction, for the rule of law and to have this good cooperation ", said the Commissioner.

She also congratulated Albania on its achievements: "It is a pleasure for me to be in Tirana with the invitation that was made to me and real pleasure that we had an open and honest discussion with Prime Minister Rama. We talked about many things of course, but one of the main messages I have given here is to congratulate all of Albania on its achievements, especially during the last year and not only in the area of ​​this mandate I cover for justice and home affairs on security and migration. Albania's progress during the last year is very good and therefore it was decided to open negotiations and in December we saw that all the conditions for the first intergovernmental conference were met", said Johansson.

Komisionerja e BE-së për Punët e Brendshme Ylva Johansson ka mbajtur sot një konferencë të përbashkët në Kakavijë me ministrin e Brendshëm, Bledi Çuçi lidhur mes bashkëpunimit të policisë shqiptare dhe FRONTEX kundër krimeve në kufirin mes Shqipërisë e Greqisë.

Johansson u shpreh se në muajin prill do të prezantojë një strategji, e cila do të jetë e përqendruar te krimi i organizuar dhe trafiku i qenieve njerëzore. Ajo theksoi më tej se grupet e krimit të organizuar po bëhen gjithnjë e më tepër ndërkombëtare

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