Meet Brooklynn Chandler Willy

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Brooklynn Chandler Willy is the founder and CEO of Texas Financial Advisory in San Antonio, Texas. In these positions, Brooklynn acquires clients, manages money, pays bills, and referees employee issues.

She did not always plan on being in the financial industry. Before setting herself on this path, Brooklynn Chandler Willy was attending school to become an attorney. However, upon starting law school, she realized that law school wasn’t right for her. Not wanting to quit, she continued her studies until her third year of school, where she bought a book about careers she could get with a law degree outside of being a lawyer. This, in addition to assisting an insurance salesman’s clients, led her to decide to use her law degree in the financial field rather than becoming an attorney like everyone else.

Gaining a career in financial services is a very personal matter to Brooklynn as well. She knows firsthand how difficult life can be when struggling financially—her family experienced such difficulties when her father died without life insurance and ended in facing financial hardships as a result. This spurred Brooklynn Chandler Willy to dedicate herself to helping others so they wouldn’t have to face the same hardships, which eventually led to Texas Financial Advisory’s founding.

The financial services company was founded by Brooklynn in 2008 with the goal to provide people and families with holistic financial planning advice beyond numbers. Texas Financial Advisory is customer-focused, working closely with its clients to figure out their financial goals and the necessary paths to get there. The company also helps its clients effectively manage their taxes, explains how to pay for long-term care, and helps clients with optimizing investments for their individual needs.

Brooklynn Chandler Willy, much like her father, offers insurance products to enhance the clients’ abilities to achieve their financial goals. The firm has 50+ years of combined experience between its employees, all of whom provide clients with holistic financial plans and investment solutions. Brooklynn plans to grow her business more in the future, using her collaborative leadership style to garner her staff’s thoughts and opinions and grow the business into the best tax strategists, investment advisors, and estate planners in South Texas.

In addition to being a financial advisor, Brooklynn Chandler Willy is the host of Texas Financial Radio, a radio show that airs every Sunday at 1 p.m. on KTSA 550 AM. She also started a nonprofit organization alongside her sister, SHMILY (See How Much I Love You) Gifts from Above. This nonprofit provides financial and emotional support to students who have lost a parent while attending college.

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