Top 10 Absurd Robots That Scientists Have Actually Built 2021

Interesting Facts 2020-12-26

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Top 10 Absurd Robots That Scientists Have Actually Built 2021

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Number 10. Irony Man, The Sassy Robot.
Scientists from Ausburg University have created a robot with a sense of irony. The fittingly-named Irony Robot is designed to be less formal and more relatable. Unlike most talking machines, which speak in flat monotonous voices, Irony Man is able to reflect real patterns of human speech.
So if someone were to say that “Traffic is frustrating,” Irony Man would retort, “I love being stuck here”, with a sarcastic emphasis on the word “love”.

Number 9.Skybot F-850, Russia’s Robot Astronaut.
Skybot F-850 is an android astronaut, a fully-automated machine designed by the Russian space agency for life onboard the International Space Station (I.S.S.).

Engineers spent five years developing and preparing Skybot for the challenge of going into space. The six-foot android is built from sturdy materials to survive the blast into zero-gravity and is specially programmed to stop it from inadvertently damaging the space Centre.

Number 8. Lovot, The Cuddly Robot Who Helps Combat Loneliness.
In our modern age, when everyone seems to be moving at a hundred miles a second, loneliness can be a major issue. For those who struggle with companionship, Japanese startup Groove X has designed Lovot – a little furry robot who comforts people in need of a friend.

Number 7. Robot Translator For Fish And Bees.
In 2019, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne built a machine that allows fish and bees to talk to each other. The researchers created a robot translator that can send messages back and forth between a group of zebrafish and a swarm of honeybees.

Number 6. Lego Robot With The Brain Of A Worm
In 2014, neuro-robotic researchers mapped out the brain of a small ringworm, all 302 neurons, and turned it into a digital simulation. Simulating an entire brain is remarkable in itself, but the scientists decided to feed their virtual brain into a Lego robot. The Lego bot was hardly sophisticated; it had a sound sensor for a nose and two motors to act as its motor cortex. But, with a little tweaking, the virtual worm brain was able to control the robot, driving it around a test station and stopping it from bashing into the walls.

Number 5. China’s Robot Traffic Police
In 2019, China began using robots to keep control of its roads. The Handan Public Security Bureau now employs three styles of a robot that help their existing officers maintain order. The three robots are similar in design, but they each carry out very different functions.

Number 4. Julia, The Robot Who Taught Herself To Cook.

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