미 3분기 성장률 33.4%…코로나 확산에 4분기는 주춤할듯
Third quarter GDP growth in the U.S. has been revised slightly up to 33-point-4 percent,... following a record dip in the previous quarter due to the rapid spread of COVID-19.
This comes as the country passed a nine-hundred billion U.S. dollar relief package to help boost the economy.
President Trump is expected to sign it in the coming days.
Kim Hyo-sun has the details.
The U.S. economy expanded at a pace of 33-point-4 percent during the third quarter,... posting the largest growth since 1947, when related data first began being compiled.
The Commerce Department explained Tuesday,... while delivering the last of three estimates on the economy's third-quarter performance,... that this was a point-three percentage point increase from the previous two estimates.
The record pace posted from July through September marks a sharp recovery from the 31-point-4 percent drop posted in the second quarter due to the pandemic.
The rebound comes as U.S. Congress on Monday passed a nine-hundred billion dollar relief package to help the COVID-19-hit economy.
The relief package, unveiled on Monday afternoon, was sped through the House and Senate in a matter of hours.
"Are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or wishing to change their vote? If not, the Yeas are 91, the Nays are seven. The 60 vote threshold having been achieved, the motion to concur is agreed to."
The second largest bill in the country's history includes subsidies for small businesses, the unemployed, a new round of six-hundred dollar stimulus checks for almost all citizens, as well as aid for vaccine distribution.
It also includes an aid package to fund the federal government.
Many media outlets including Reuters,... however,... pointed out that the stimulus package has been delayed significantly,... adding growth in the fourth quarter will likely be impacted.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.