#Moon #LunarEclipse #FullMoon
The moon has been the biggest natural satellite for earth and has been orbiting since the first day. There was a belief that the moon changes its phases but in reality it is found that it happens due to sunlight affecting it according to its position. The surface of this small planet is actually dark and it looks like it is glowing because of the sunlight. At a diameter of 3,475 km it is the 5th largest natural satellite in the solar system after Ganymede followed by Titan, Calisto and Io. In our Milky Way all the planets have their own natural satellite except for Venus and Mercury whereas the biggest planet Jupiter has a total of 79 natural moons, but after a study in 2007 scientists found using a Subaru telescope that Saturn had 20 new moons making a total of 82 naturally orbiting moons in its axis In one of the latest discoveries by NASA it was stated that there is an evidence of water on moon.
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