Roshni Nadar Malhotra, chief of HCL Technologies, topped the list of India's richest women compiled by a global research agency in coordination with a wing of a leading private bank. The Kotak Wealth Hurun – Leading Wealthy Women 2020 list also features Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the head of Biocon Limited, the leading biotechnology firm based in Bengaluru. Report is based on a research conducted by Kotak Wealth Management - a division of Kotak Mahindra Bank (Kotak), and Hurun India. They announced the launch of the second edition of ‘Kotak Wealthy Women’ - a compilation of the wealthiest women in India on December 3. The listing is based on the net worth of women as on 30th September 2020. Watch the video to know more.
#WealthyWomen2020 #KotakWealthHurun