문정인 대통령 외교안보특보 "바이든 행정부, 장관급 이상으로 대북특사 보내야"
Within hours of the first phone talks between President Moon and President-Elect Biden, I had the chance to sit down with the South Korean President's Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs and National Security.
Dr. Moon Chung-in had policy recommendations for both President Elect Biden and North Korea... in this exclusive interview. I started by asking if North Korea's Kim Jong-un stands a chance meeting Joe Biden.
President elect Biden didn't really reject the idea of summit level talks with the North Korean leader.
What he emphasized is President Trump's type of top-down approach may not be effective.
Therefore there should be some kind of combination of top-down approach and bottom-up approach.
It's very likely that the Biden administration will initiate working level talks.
But the working level talks is not just assistant secretary level talk. If that's the case, they can go to nowhere.
I personally hope that he appoints a very senior level special envoy to deal with North Korea - very senior level like Dr. Perry level they can visit Pyeongyang and they can initiate.
And I think Pyeongyang will welcome that idea.
There are Korean peninsula experts who argue the state of inter-Korean relations tend to follow Washington, Pyeongyang relations. This may be true to a certain degree. How do we make sure the two Koreas maintain our relations independent from North Korea, U.S. ties?
North Korea regards South Korea as a part of American team. Because South Korea and the U.S. are allies. And it's quite natural for North Korea to treat them as the same side.
Therefore, it's very difficult for South Korea to play a mediating role between Pyeongyang and Washington.
However, because of the very reason that we are on the same side as the U.S., North Korea should approach us and have consultation.
So that we can convey the message to Washington.
For more on issues ranging from the U.S., China rivalry and the resurrection of the Trans Pacific Partnership to South Korea, U.S. collaboration to denuclearize North Korea, you catch my exclusive interview with Moon Chung-in in its entirety on our in depth special right after Newscenter tonight.