The BJP won across a dozen states, making crucial gains in Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh and scooping up key seats in states like Gujarat & Telangana. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a series of tweets, thanked the people for choosing his party. In Madhya Pradesh, where the BJP came to power on the back of Jyotiraditya Scindia's dramatic cross-over from the Congress, the party won 19 seats. 22 of the 28 seats on offer here fell vacant after Congress MLAs loyal to Scindia quit in March, triggering the fall of the Kamal Nath government. BJP's strong showing will be seen as a demonstration of the political clout that Scindia still holds in the state despite his contentious switch. The Congress won 9 seats. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan called on the newly-elected MLAs to "work for the people of Madhya Pradesh". Jyotiraditya Scindia tweeted congratulatory messages to those who have won re-election.
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