El secreto de la vida a base de plantas Best Sellers Rank : #2

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El reconocido cantante de rock Draco Rosa descubri? las maravillas de la alimentaci?n a base de plantas luego de enfermarse de c?ncer.Al enterarse de la dura noticia, trabaj? junto con su nutricionista Nena Niessen, tambi?n sobreviviente del c?ncer, para apoyarse en una alimentaci?n sana durante el proceso de tratamiento y recuperaci?n. Su vida no volvi? a ser la misma: aprendi? a identificar los ingredientes beneficiosos de la comida para hacer sus propias recetas exaltando lo mejor de cada planta y dejando a un lado los ingredientes nocivos. As? se dio cuenta por experiencia propia del impacto que tiene la alimentaci?n en la prevenci?n y recuperaci?n de enfermedades y el nivel de bienestar.Ahora Draco y Nena quieren difundir la nutrici?n a base de plantas como un arma fundamental en la lucha contra las enfermedades en general y el c?ncer en particular. Para ello en este libro explican las propiedades nutricionales y curativas de cada planta, proponen un plan de desintoxicaci?n y recopilan las mejores recetas que ellos mismos crearon para deleitar el paladar con una alimentaci?n vegetariana sana.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe renowned rock artist Draco Rosa discovered the wonders of a plantbased diet after being diagnosed with cancer. He worked hand-in-hand with his nutritionist, Nena Niessen, who is also a cancer survivor, to find strength through a healthy diet during the process of treatment and recovery.His life would never be the same: he learned to identify the beneficial ingredients in foods in order to make his own recipes, bringing out the best in every plant and leaving out harmful ingredients. As such, his first-hand experience helped him realize the impact that nutrition can have in the prevention and recovery from illness, as well as on one's general well being.Now, Draco and Nena want to spread the word about plant-based nutrition as a fundamental weapon in the fight against illness in general and cancer in particular. In this book, they explain the nutritional and medicinal properties of each plant, propose a plan for detoxing your body, and compile their best recipes, which will delight your taste buds with a healthy vegetarian diet.

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