Vani Bhojan and Oh My Kadavule director aswath shares their shooting experience with actors. Vani tells us her choice of films and calls actor Vijay Sethupathy is her dream hero and crush and Aswath shares Meet with Gautham Menon and Dubbing Session with Vjay Sethupathi #Vanibhojan #Ashokselvan #Ritikasingh #OHMYKADAVULAE
Oh My Kadavule (transl. Oh My God) is an upcoming 2020 Indian Tamil-language romantic comedy film written and directed by Ashwath Marimuthu on his directorial debut. The film stars Ashok Selvan, Ritika Singh and Vani Bhojan in the lead roles
Host - Balaji Edit - Saravana Pandiyan | Camera - Ramesh And Smriti Baskar
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