A few days back Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic surprised fans by sharing videos and pics of their engagement. Post that the couple keeps sharing their pics and videos together. Amid the lockdown, the duo is spending quality time together. Recently, a video of Hardik and Natasa was shared by their fan club where they can be seen goofing around at home. In the video, Hardik can be seen asking her, ‘Baby, main kya hoon tera?’ Hardik is amused by Natasa’s reply who says, ‘Jigar ka tukda’. Amitabh Bachchan shared a collage of his pics and wrote, ‘there is one common refrain on every lip..be safe, be protected’. Ayushmann Khurrana took to social media to condemn the attack on the police force and other security personnel. Kartik Aaryan recently announced his new series, ‘Koki Poochega’ where he interacts with COVID-19 fighters. After sharing two episodes, Kartik shared a glimpse of his work from home condition. Amid the lockdown, there’s someone who paid a visit to Vicky Kaushal. An eagle paid a visit to the actor. Kangana Ranaut is baking cupcakes. Hrthik Roshan recently revealed who inspires him to remain fit. The actor shared a video of his father working out and said he wants to be like him when he grows up. Kriti Sanon it seems is enjoying her time with her furry friends. Sunny Leone keeps her fans entertained on social media. The actor keeps sharing videos and pics. She recently shared a video asking fans to imitate her signature dance moves and share it with her.