In a kind & heart-warming gesture, a Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable at a railway station in Bhopal runs along a moving train to provide milk for an infant. The entire incident was captured on CCTV. Infant's mother, Shafiya Hashmi, had asked RPF official Inder Yadav for help when the train going to Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur stopped at the Bhopal station for a few minutes. However, the train started moving before the RPF official could arrange milk for the infant. As Yadav realised that he was late by a few seconds, he sprinted towards the coach of the moving train, holding his service rifle in one hand & the milk packet for the baby in the other. Shafiya Hashmi, after reaching home, thanked the RPF official for the help. Railway Minister Piyush Goyal lauded the efforts of the RPF constable. Many people took to Twitter and praised Inder Yadav for the gesture.