India’s all-rounder Hardik Pandya gave fans a sneak peek into his and his wife Natasa Stankovic’s contrasting morning routines. Pandya, who recently announced Natasa’s pregnancy, took to Instagram to share pictures of how they usually start their day. Surprisingly, their morning activities differ a lot. While Natasa starts her day by exercising, Hardik spends it playing games online. Mandira Bedi's son Vir turned 9 on June 17. On his special day, Mandira Bedi shared an adorable video collage featuring snippets of their mother-son time. Actor Renuka Shahane has hailed Akshay Kumar as an angel for financially helping actor Nupur Alankar. Renuka had earlier shared a post seeking help for Nupur, who lost her savings in the PMC Bank crash of 2019. After reading her post, Akshay got the details and transferred more money than the requirement. When Shahane thanked Akshay, the actor said in Marathi, “Please don't thank me, her mother should get well, that's it'." Sanjay Dutt is missing wife Maanayata and their twins Shahraan and Iqra who are stuck in Dubai. The very beautiful Nimrat Kaur and Karishma Tanna were seen in the city.