Internet is full of pictures that show animals in urban areas after the coronavirus-induced lockdown forced people to stay indoors and lowered pollution levels. Latest in this long line of pictures & videos is a clip of deers running around Mithi River in Mumbai. It’s a sight which has left social media users stunned, coming as it does from one of the most crowded cities in the world. It is hard to believe that something like this lies in the heart of this fast-paced city and that is how netizens have reacted. The video was shared on Twitter by Afroz Shah, the Mumbai-based lawyer turned environmentalist who started the Versova Beach clean-up in 2015, which soon became one of India's biggest community clean-up drives with thousands of volunteers. The video shows a herd of deer running around near the point where Mithi River starts. Shah hailed the incident as an example of the positive effects of lockdown. Since being shared on Twitter three days ago, the unusual sight has collected over 27,000 views and a ton of amazed responses.