Wildlife Conservation In Pakistan | Rescuing Animals In Need

UrduPoint.com 2020-10-30

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Fahad Malik made his life purpose to restore and protect the wildlife. Wildlife includes wild animals as well as plants both living on land and in water. He used to care for random animals and rescue them and always had a soft corner for them. He also wishes to spread awareness on this matter. Spreading awareness has become easier because of social media. They have 2 different facebook pages; one of reptiles and one for other wild animals. Whenever he rescues an animal, he cares for them until they are able and then releases them in their natural habitat. Fahad stated he has no formal training in rescuing animals and it just comes to him naturally. He has no support from any NGO or government; he is doing this on his own for now. He has rescued lizards, snakes, turtles and different bird species. People call him all the time for information; he has teams who run social media pages and they respond to all those seeking any kind of information. Watch the video to learn what kind of reptiles are in Pakistan.

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#WildlifeConservationInPakistan #WildlifeRestorationInPakistan #RescuingWildlifeInPakistan #RescuingReptilesInPakistan #RescuingLizardsAndSnakes #ReptilesInPakistan #Animals #WildAnimals #Ecology #TurtlesInPakistan #LizardsInPakistan #BirdsInPakistan #RescuingBirds #AwarenessOfWildlifeConservation #AwarenessOfWildlifeInPakistan #TypesOfSnakesInPakistan #TypesOfReptilesInPakistan

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