MS Dhoni, Chennai Super Kings captain, cleared the air about his future with the franchise on Sunday, saying what most fans wanted to hear. At the toss for the match between CSK vs KXIP, former New Zealand cricketer Danny Morrison asked the CSK captain "will this be your last game ever in yellow?" Dhoni was quick to respond and gave an emphatic two-word answer,"Definitely not". In a season that saw CSK failing to qualify for the playoffs for the first time in IPL's history.
MS Dhoni, Chennai Super Kings captain, cleared the air about his future with the franchise on Sunday, saying what most fans wanted to hear. At the toss for the match between CSK vs KXIP, former New Zealand cricketer Danny Morrison asked the CSK captain "will this be your last game ever in yellow?" Dhoni was quick to respond and gave an emphatic two-word answer,"Definitely not". In a season that saw CSK failing to qualify for the playoffs for the first time in IPL's history.
#MSDhoni #CSKvsKXIP #IPL2020