#BJP #Congress #Modi
The Tamil actor Khushbu Sundar joined the BJP on Monday, having constantly fought the same party on social media for several years. Previously in the Congress, she used to reply to every rival individually, and often tagged and named Narendra Modi and Amit Shah in her tweets. “She was an untiring fighter for Congress in social media, almost every minute and hour, and a star campaigner, a real crowd puller and powerful orator during polls in public rallies,” said a senior Congress leader.
''If a nation has to move forward, then we need somebody like PM Modi to take the country in the right direction,'' Kushboo said after joining BJP.''My expectation from BJP isn't about what the party is going to do for me, but about what the party is going to do for ppl of the country. When you've 128 cr ppl actually believing in 1 man & that's our PM, I think they're doing something absolutely right,'' she further said.
00:00 Start
01:22 Insides of AIADMK
04:33 Kushboo political updates
08:25 Kusboo's 4 Demands
09:55 New party involves
Host - Se.Tha Elangovan | Script: Se.Tha Elangovan & Kazhugar | On Field Camera: Rameshkannan
Camera: Muthukumar | Edit: Lenin
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