Holidate Movie trailer HD - Netflix - Plot synopsis: Sloane (Emma Roberts) and Jackson (Luke Bracey) hate the holidays. They constantly find themselves single, sitting at the kids table, or stuck with awkward dates. But when these two strangers meet during one particularly bad Christmas, they make a pact to be each other's "holidate" for every festive occasion throughout the next year. With a mutual disdain for the holidays, and assuring themselves that they have no romantic interest in the other, they become each other's perfect plus-one which leads to some hilarious and provocative hijinks. However, as a year of absurd celebrations come to an end, Sloane and Jackson find that sharing everything they hate may just prove to be something they unexpectedly love.
directed by John Whitesell
starring Emma Roberts, Luke Bracey, Frances Fisher, Kristin Chenoweth, Alex Moffat, Manish Dayal, Jessica Capshaw, Andrew Bachelor, Jake Manley, Cynthy Wu, Mikaela Hoover, Billy Slaughter
release date October 28, 2020 (on Netflix)