Hairdresser creates celebrity portraits with hair

Zenger News 2020-09-22

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A hairdresser is making waves with elaborate portraits of celebrities made out of hair from her salon floor. Svetlana Grozdanovska, 37, who owns a small hair salon with her sister in the Macedonian village of Krivogashtani some 150 kilometres south of the capital city Skopje, has amassed quite a following on social media with elaborate celebrity portraits created from cut off hair on the floor of the salon. Ms Grozdanovska, an avid tennis fan, started on impulse with a portrait of Serbian tennis ace Novak Djokovic and uploaded a video of the result on social media. The reception convinced her that the idea wasn't halfbad, she told Real Press in an interview on Monday. Ms Grozdanovska, originally a trained traffic engineer, has worked as a hairdresser and makeup artist for the past 18 years. She never did any formal arts courses, but said she always loved art and sees an art potential in everything around her. But why hair? “I started using hair for small stuff like decorative flower motifs a long time ago, but this project with the portraits I started a year and a half ago. "The first portrait I made was of Novak Djokovic, but as I wasn't sure that people would believe it was made entirely out of real hair, I decided to do a video where I blow the finished portrait away with a hairdryer. When I posted it on my facebook page and saw that people loved it, I started doing many more.” She has since created hairy portraits of a long list of celebrities such as Lionel Messi, Elisabeth Taylor, Eminem, Keanu Reeves, Anthony Hopkins and, of course, the tennis world ranking's current number two, Spain's Rafael Nadal.

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