Actor Kangana Ranaut compared Mumbai to PoK and even Pakistan today as a civic team demolished alleged illegal structures at her office in the middle of her massive row with Maharashtra's ruling Shiv Sena. Actor Rhea Chakraborty taken to Byculla jail by Narcotics Control Bureau officials on Wednesday morning. The Supreme Court today refused to entertain a batch of pleas seeking deferment or cancellation of NEET scheduled for September 13. No respite from the raging Coronavirus Pandemic as India reported a daily jump of 89,706 coronavirus infections in 24 hours, taking its tally past the 43-lakh mark. The Oxford vaccine trial face setback as the Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University have been put on hold after a participant had an adverse reaction in the UK. AstraZeneca described it as a routine pause in the case of an unexplained illness. US President Donald Trump has attacked Democratic Vice President nominee Kamala Harris saying "people don't like her" and it would be "an insult" to the US if she becomes President.