Almost 300 Rohingya migrants reach Indonesia beach after spending months at sea

Newsflare 2020-09-07

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Hundreds of Rohingya Muslim migrants from Myanmar arrived in Indonesia's Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province, on Monday (September 7).

Footage from Monday shows a large crowd of men, women and children huddled under a thatched-roof shelter.

The 297 migrants, including 181 women, 102 men, and 14 children, spent months onboard one wooden boat before reaching the beach of Ujung Blang Village in Banda Sakti District.

The migrant dispersed into three groups until they were collected by the local government to be recorded and evacuated by the military, police, and Red Cross volunteers, authorities said.

Currently, the group is being held in a temporary shelter at the Vocational Training Center in Mee Kandang Village, Muara Dua District.

"We persuade them, together with the local residents and village officials of Ujong Blang, to gather those who scattered and thank God we managed to gather them all," Banda Sakti Sub District Military Commander Roni Mahendra said.

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled Buddhist-majority Myanmar due to a military crackdown.

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