Canadian YouTuber, MattColbo, offers a hilarious tongue-twisting breakdown of the "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck" question.
Matt Colbo breaks down the theory behind the classic tongue twister with a witty poem which has gone viral on Reddit, racking up over 26,000 upvotes.
Colbo told Newsflare: "I'm not really sure where the idea came from if I'm being honest. The most likely explanation is that I thought of the woodchuck tongue twister and thought, 'hm, let's extend that.'
"That was then followed by a day or so of writing and editing trying to get down a good flow that rhymes and is funny!
"The day prior, I actually hiked up to another location, a good 3 kilometres to get to an even better view. But it was a mix of sun and cloud that day, so nailing the perfect camera settings was impossible by myself, as every time a cloud would pass in front of the sun, it would be too dark or too bright.
"The next day, I practised some more, and went to a much more accessible spot, took about 10 takes and succeeded in five of them!"
This video was filmed in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, on August 9.