빅3, 바이오 등 '338+a'개 차세대 전략기술 확보한다...정부 '소부장2.0' 전략 발표
South Korea is shifting to an aggressive strategy to overhaul its materials, parts and equipment industry to preemptively prepare for the post-COVID era and raise the country's competitiveness in global value chain.
The trade ministry said Thursday that South Korea will specifically manage over 338 items like high-tech materials,... including the so-called 'Big3 sectors' as well as bio-tech and system semiconductors.
It'll inject around 4-point-2 billion U.S. dollars into developing those technologies.
Currently, the government manages 100 items that are particularly vulnerable to Japan's export curbs after Tokyo announced the restrictions a year ago.
South Korea also aims to shorten the period and reduce costs for developing materials by using a new data platform.
The government will financially support R&D as well,... while creating a global cluster for related sectors.