Salman Khan's Career Is Destroyed After Sushant's Death. Multiple names of Bollywood biggies have come forward for having some connection with the unfortunate demise of Sushant Singh Rajput. Salman Khan’s name has come forward in this unfortunate incident too, for all the wrong reasons. The Bhaijaan of Bollywood always gets himself into controversies, since many years. Previously he got involved into hit and run case that landed the actor into jail almost. The case was not over and Salman landed himself into another one – the infamous black buck poaching case. Another greatest controversy of Salman Khan was his abusive relationship with Aishwarya Rai, who left the actor for his rudeness. And now, this time, Salman again landed himself into trouble. This time it is because of nepotism. As we all know, Salman Khan has launched many star kids into the Bollywood industry and most of them are flop. Most of the stars, like Sooraj Pancholi, Sonakshi Sinha, Athiya Shetty, Aayush Sharma, Daisy Shah, launched by Salman Khan, are flop. And now Salman Khan is facing a huge backlash from the people for his favouritism towards the star kids only. Salman Khan, who once had fans across the world, is now receiving only hatred because of his deeds. Salman Khan along with his friends, Karan Johar, Sajid Nadiadwala and many more, banned Sushant in Bollywood. As we all know, it is impossible to survive in Bollywood, if someone is not in the good books of Salman Khan. Sushant has lost many movies during past few months because Salman ordered the filmmakers to do so. This did not go down well with people and they are now blaming Salman khan and other filmmakers for Sushant’s depression. People around the world are demanding a boycott on Salman khan’s films and are not ready to see his films in theatres. Salman Khan’s films already got banned in Bihar along with Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt. A legal case has been filed against Salman Khan, in Bihar, by an advocate and this may land himself in a great trouble. Seems like people are really pissed off with Salman Khan this time and are fully ready to destroy this actor’s Bollywood career this time. Recently, Dabangg director Abhinav Singh Kashyap has also accused Salman Khan for money laundering through his NGO Being Human. The filmmaker has also claimed that Being Human was just a great idea of Salim Khan to clean the image of his son in the industry. Even, the die-hard fans of Salman Khan are now angry upon their idol. Salman Khan’s post are getting flooded with hate comments. Looks like, the unfortunate and sudden demise of Sushant Singh Rajput, has successfully acted as the final nail on Salman Khan’s Bollywood career.