Popular television actress Divyanka Tripathi says she admired the “nerdy” look while growing up. Divyanka Tripathi took to Instagram, where she shared a photograph of herself dressed in a yellow T-shirt, jeans and round reading glasses. “The look I admired in others while growing up. #NERDY #WannaBeNerdy What was your favorite look, you wanted to achieve?” Divyanka, who is popular for her role in the show “Yeh Hai Mohabbatein,” Divyanka Tripathi captioned the image. Earlier this month, Divyanka Tripathi had shared that she has started studying again amid lockdown. Divyanka, an avid user of social media, took to Instagram, where she shared a photograph of herself wearing glasses, holding a pencil and a book in front of her. Divyanka, who was last seen in the spin-off series of “Yeh Hai Mohabbatein” titled “Yeh Hai Chahatein”, will soon start their production house called One Reason Films with her husband Vivek Dahiya. The banner was registered two years ago.