A debate on Nepotism has sparked after the sudden demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The big stars and their kids in the Bollywood industry are being called out for snatching work opportunities from outsiders who have no godfathers. And time and again, people from within the industry have tried to prove that star kids too have their share of struggle. Filmmaker Rohit Shetty had once revealed that Sara Ali Khan, who is the daughter of Saif Ali Khan begged him for work. Rohit had said, “Sara sent me 15-20 text messages. So, I replied to Sara and asked her to come to my office. I thought she is the daughter of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh. She will have 4-5 bodyguards. There will be 3-4 managers. And those managers will also have managers. There will be boys and those boys will have their own boys.” Rohit had further said, “I asked my Assistant Director who is Sara accompanied by. She told me that she has come alone. I wondered why she has come alone. I asked her come inside the office. After that, this girl literally, I can reveal now that she has become a star. She folded her hands and began to desperately ask, ‘Sir please give me work.’ And don’t forget that she was Saif Ali Khan’s daughter.” He then said that seeing Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh’s daughter coming alone to his office and then desperately begging for a role made him cry. We all know what happened next. Rohit starred Sara in film Simmba alongside Ranveer Singh. We wonder if Rohit had given that role to an outsider with no godfather.