Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's ashes were immersed in the Ganga river on Thursday, Sushant Singh Rajput died in Mumbai on June 14, Sunday. The 34-year-old actor’s body was found hanging at his Bandra residence. Sushant was reportedly suffering from depression and was even under medication for the same. One of Sushant’s house-helps saw the body and immediately informed the police. While investigating, the police found some medical reports and antidepressants. Pictures of Sushant's father KK Singh and his sisters performing Asthi Visarjan in their hometown Patna.
Earlier in the day, Sushant's sister Shweta Singh Kirti wrote on Facebook: "Reached my Patna's home safely yesterday. Thanks to everyone who was praying and who helped in the process. It was hassle-free. Today we will be doing Asthi Visarjan (ashes immersion) for Bhai. I again want to ask all to pray for him and send him off with all the fond memories and unconditional love in your hearts. Let's celebrate his life and give him a very loving and happy farewell."
Sushant Singh Rajput’s last rites were performed at Pawan Hans crematorium in Mumbai on Monday in the presence of his family, friends, fans and a few industry colleagues such as Kriti Sanon, Mukesh Chhabra, Shraddha Kapoor, Ranvir Shorey, Ekta Kapoor, Varun Sharma and Vivek Oberoi to name a few.
On the work front, Sushant Singh Rajput made his Bollywood debut with Kai Po Che and later, he was seen in films such as MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kedarnath and Chhichhore.