Ever since Karan Singh Grover left Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, fans had been flooding his DM’s asking him to return on the show. In an interview, even Karan hinted that he might return to the show if needed. Now the makers are in rush and eyeing at other popular small-screen stars to don the popular salt and pepper look of Mr. Bajaj and they are none other than Gaurav Chopra and Sharad Kelkar. When contacted Gaurav, he said, "I can't comment right now as things are still under discussion. Let things come from Balaji Telefilms. Then, me giving out a statement will make sense." While a source close to the show said, "Sharad received a call for the role and currently the discussions are going on. Nothing has been locked so far and even Kelkar is mulling over the same." There were reports about Karan returning on the show as Mr. Bajaj but recently the actor opted out as he's highly concerned about his health due to the global pandemic. Reportedly, nothing has been confirmed yet but according to some buzz, things will be locked by this weekend.