What's next for N. Korea? Mt. Geumgang resort could be next to be destroyed?

Arirang News 2020-06-16

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다음 카드는 금강산 시설 폭파?...군사행동 나서나

After following through on its threat and destroying the inter-Korean joint liaison office,... the question becomes: what could the regime target next?
Many speculate it could be the Mount Geumgang resort facility that was built by South Korea decades ago as a symbol of reconciliation.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
After severing all inter-Korean communication channels on June 9th,... North Korea followed through on its threat to destroy the inter-Korean joint liaison office in Kaesong just a week later.
The move followed a number of threats made by Kim Yo-jong,... the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
But what's next for the regime,... which has long been notorious for its unpredictability?
Experts say that, if North Korea follows through with all the threats it has made in the past,... two sites could be in the crosshairs.
Earlier this month, Kim Yo-jong threatened to destroy the Kaesong Industrial Complex which has been shut down for years,... eliminating any chance of it reopening.
In addition,... the Mount Geumgang resort facility,... which was built by South Korea's Hyundai Asan could also be destroyed,... following previous threats made by Kim Jong-un.
With North Korea threatening to send troops to the DMZ,... many experts believe the regime could destroy the Kaesong Industrial Complex in order to build a military base near the world's most fortified border.
But another question remains: will North Korea also follow through on its threat of taking military action against the South?
While South Korea continues to ramp up its military readiness,... the world watches to see what's up the North's sleeve in the days and weeks to come.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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