Hindustani Bhau and Ekta Kapoor's online feud is far from over. Bhau and his some of the followers claimed that Ekta has deleted their videos but what's true we don't know yet. Although Ekta apologized during a recent interview, Bhau's anger has moved to another level as he's now demanding her to return Padmashri Award. Taking to his Instagram story, he wrote, "Ekta Kapoor apna Padmashri wapas kar or Indian Army se mafhi mang. Teri aukat nahi hai pehli fursat mein nikal. Koi zarurat nahi teri mere Hindustan ko. Jai Hind." He had also tweeted to the Indian government by asking them to withdraw the award from Kapoor, he wrote, "Ekta Kapoor Ko Padmashri Award Kyu Diya? Usne Aisa Kya Yogdan Diya Is Desh Ke Liye?" Now, this matter is going to get broader as Ekta is not someone who'll just shut up, it'll be interesting to know what Ekta thinks.