Khalwale Tear-gassed As Police Disrupt His Meeting In Kakamega

EbruTVKENYA 2020-06-08

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Chaos erupted in Shinyalu, Kakamega county as police dispersed a gathering that was being addressed by former Kakamega senator Dr. Bonny Khalwale. Khalwale and the residents including boda-boda riders were forced to scamper for safety in a maize plantation as police hurled teargas canisters. The former senator was telling off COTU secretary general Francis Atwoli, Cs Eugene Wamalwa, area governor Wycliffe Oparanya and leaders who attended a meeting held in Kajiado to deliberate on Luhya unity ahead of the 2022 elections. Khalwale claimed the meeting convened at the COTU secretary general's Kajiado was part of a plan to divide the Luhya community for political gain.

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