Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan which went off last week after a successful re run, made everyone's quarantine worthwhile. While other mainstream channel tried their level best to up their trp rates but Ramayan bowled them all. Be it acting, story or music everything felt way ahead of its time. Talking about the music of Ramayan, the melodious tracks were composed by legendary musician and playback singer Ravindra Jain and its track was sung by Suresh Wadkar and Kavita Krishnamurthy. In an recent media interaction, Prem Sagar made some interesting revelations about singers and how they took a pay cut just to be part of the epic show, he said, "Composing the music for Ramayan was the most challenging task while making the series. When Ravindra Jain landed in Mumbai, he first came to Sagar villa to meet my father and sang ‘Ghungroo ki tarah bajta raha mein’. My father, didn’t even think of anyone else other than Ravindra Jain. Both of them were like two bodies with one soul. There was extensive research done for making the music as per relevance. Notable singers like Suresh Wadkar, Kavita Krishnamurthy gracefully took a cut in their payments to be a part of Ramayan.” Even though music was made 30 years ago it still feel fresh, as the instruments were carefully selected for the music, Dholak replaced Table and Shehnai replaced Clarinets and that's how the music of the most popular show Ramayan was composed. Isn't that interesting!!