This video of Kareena Kapoor Khan doing Surya Namaskar will surely inspire her fans to start doing Yoga at home. The Veere Di Wedding actress is a fitness enthusiast. And so is everybody else in the showbiz industry. They have to keep themselves fit whatever be the situation. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, the celebrities are working out at home. While some have gyms in their houses, others are opting for Yoga that requires no equipment. Recently, Shilpa Shetty too posted a video of herself doing Surya Namaskar. On the work front, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in 2019 film 'Good Newwz also starring Akshay Kumar, Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh. Kareena recently made her social media debut and her pictures are going viral since then.