The untimely demise of the talented actor Irrfan Khan has left everyone in shock. His death feels personal to everyone as he has connected with every person by playing variety of roles. Before starting his Bollywood career, Irrfan starred in several TV shows, Taarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashmah fame Munmun Dutta also mourned his death on her Instagram handle, in which she recalls the moment she acted opposite in an ad. She wrote, “Death of #IrrfanKhan sir feels like a personal loss. I have cried. I was way too big a fan of his work. Had shot for an ad with him years ago. What an incredible talent and person. At a loss for words. This day sucks.” Apart from Munmun, TV stars such as Sidharth Shukla, Rashami Desai, Divyanka Tripathi, and other popular faces also shared their heartfelt condolences.