The police force in Chandigarh, northern India, are using five-foot-long tongs to catch violators of the nation's coronavirus lockdown.
Amrao Singh from Chandigarh Police is seen demonstrating the tong-like instrument which is designed to kept a social distance between the officer and the lockdown violator.
Singh said: "The device is under trial now and will be sent to the fields once clearance is obtained from the government. It took five to six days for the Chandigarh Police to develop this device. If successful the Chandigarh police will develop more such devices to help the police forces."
Chandigarh has been declared as a containment zone as it is a hot spot for COVID-19 and a curfew has already been imposed in the city. Chandigarh reported six more coronavirus cases on Sunday, taking the city’s tally to 36.