Photographer goes eye-to-eye with critically endangered gharial in Nepal

Newsflare 2020-04-24

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Wildlife photographer Ian Redmond went eye-to-eye with the rare and bizarre-looking gharial in Nepal.

The gharial is a species of crocodile and has been listed as "critically endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Ian told Newsflare: "Its numbers are slowly recovering thanks to captive breeding centres such as this one in Chitwan National Park, Nepal.

"Once released into their dwindling natural habitat, however, gharials face many dangers, including abandoned fishing nets - look closely at the right-hand gharial in the Rapti River at the end of this video and you'll see its jaws are tangled in nylon netting.

"Without the intervention of the park rangers it would slowly starve to death - another victim of plastic pollution."

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