Bs. As .: The 137th anniversary of Argentine independence is celebrated. Image of President Juan Domingo Peron with General Carlos Ibañez del Campo, President of the Republic of Chile and the Argentine official delegation moving to the metropolitan cathedral to attend the official Tedeum. Image of the people gathered in the Plaza de Mayo. Formation of grenadiers on horseback General San Martin formed in front of the cathedral. Both leaders leave from the cathedral to the place where the parade of the Armed Forces takes place. Peron and Ibáñez del Campo advance in a Justicialista car reviewing the troops. Image of people gathered on Del Libertador Avenue. Image of the leaders in the official box where they follow the parade of forces. Image of a helicopter flying over the monument to the Spanish. General views of the military parade with the forces of Aeronautics, the school of military aircraft, the school of mechanics, the school of specialties of Aeronautics, the military naval school, cadets of the Naval High School Admiral Brown, troops of the sea fleet, the marine infantry, the grouping institutes of the National Military College, the cavalry squad, the artillery batteries, the engineering and communications company of the Military College, the General San Martin military high school, the Sergeant Cabral NCO school, the troops airborne, high mountain skiers, the army infantry, the cavalry with the cuirassiers General Lavalle, the grenadier regiment on horseback General San Martin, the cavalry regiments 1 and 2, the mechanized grouping.
Date: 7/9/1953
Duration: 12 minutes 54 seconds
Film code: F-00679
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