“Naiharwa” is written by Satguru, Sant Kabirdas who portrays himself as a bride who has gone to her parents house. But her soul burns from the pangs of separation from her beloved. Kabir, in his mystical way, compares the separation of the individual from the universal self like that of a bride from her beloved. Sung in a composition made popular by the legendary Pt. Kumar Gandharva.
Song - Naiharwa
Singer / Composer : Rashmi Agarwal
Music Arrangement, Sound Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Kunal Agarwal
Video Directed and edited by Rohit Kumar Suri
Album: Soul Box- A Sufi Treasure
Music Label : Red Ribbon Entertainment
Naiharwa hum ka na bhave,
hum ka na bhave, Naiharwa.
Sai ki nagri param ati sundar,
jahan koi jaave na aave.
Chand suraj jahan, pavan na pani,
ko sandes pahunchave
Dard yeh, Sai ko sunave
Bin Satguru apno nahin koi, jo yeh raah batave
Kahat Kabira, suno bhai sadho,
Supne na pritam aawe.
Tapan yaha jiya ki bujhave,
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