Personal Financial Planning Best Sellers Rank : #4

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Knowing what to do with your money is more important than ever. Gitman/Joehnk/Billingsley's market-leading PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING, 13E, provides students with the tools, techniques, and understanding they need to define and achieve their financial goals. The book follows a life-cycle approach--addressing financial plans, assets, credit, insurance, investment, and retirement--as individuals and families progress through life. The latest updates reflect the most recent financial developments and research--from new tax laws and the latest financial data to professional financial advice that considers the impact of the recent global financial crisis. The 13th edition is packed with new information relevant to today's students--for example, changing spending habits for the better, knowing the right questions to ask a financial adviser, using tips on budgeting and planning for retirement, knowing what to look for when choosing a bank, knowing whether to buy or lease a car, knowing what's important when buying your first home, and choosing the right credit card. All-new features teach you to use today's critical financial tools and technology, including financial planning software. CFP practice questions provide valuable practice. The CengageNOW online learning system helps you complete your homework and achieve the grade you want.

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