3 Pet Etiquette Tips You Should Know, Even If You Don’t Own a Dog Counteract some common pet-relatedmisbehavior with these expert tips. 1. Your Friend's Dog Jumpson You Whenever You Visit Don’t greet or pet the dog until shehas all four paws on the ground. Try refocusing the dog’s attention by asking herto sit and not acknowledging her until she does. Crouching to the dog’s level when you greether can also reduce the likelihood of jumping. 2. Dogs Often Leave Unwelcome Gifts in Your Yard If you see this happening in real-time, politelyask your neighbor if they need a poop bag. You can also put up a sign remindingowners to pick up after their dog or ask yourneighborhood association to email a reminder. 3. A Dog Off Leash Approaches You If the tail is high, the dog’s mouth ispursed, or she seems stiff, those aresigns the dog is stressed and might bite. Stay calm, don’t yell, and try to positionyourself behind a barrier like a parked car.