Jagteswer Anand Dham & Kalpant Healing Center (Temple Of Divine Mysteries)
All Certificate Course-:
Kalpant Meditation Therapy, Kalpant Reiki Sadhana, Kalpant Amratam Kirya, Kalpant Hast Mudra Therapy, Kalpant Mantra Therapy, Kalpant Prana Chikitsa, Kalpant Sujok Therapy, Kalpant Prakartik Chikitsa Naturopathy, Kalpant Yoga Pranayama Chikitsa, Kalpant Mansopchar Therapy, Kalpant Soulmate Meditation, Kalpant colour Theapy, Kalpant Sun Rays Therapy, Kalpant Kalpavriksha Sadhana, Kalpant Mobile Numeology, Kalpant Numeology, Kalpant Tratak Sadhana, Kalpant Guru Pratik and Ishta Sadhana, Kalpant Vaidik Switchwords, Kalpant Knot Magic, Kalpant Vaidhik Remedies, Kalpant jap mala remedies, Kalpant swapn vigyan, Kalpant Sagun upsagun vigyan, karaliye prashn shastra, Kalpant Positives Thought Switchwords (increase positivity & strong your mind), Kalpant Remove Home Negatively, Kalpant Temple Vastu, Kalpant Anksastra Kalpant Hastrekha, Kalpant Vastusastra, Kalpant Drawoser Vigyan, Kalpant Ratansha Rudraksh Shastra, Kalpant Tantra Mantra Yantra Upasna , Kalpant Ramal Vidya, Kalpant Terrot Card, auricular therapy, and Other Spiritual, Alternative Therapy Treatment &Training Center
Course Ke Liye "Kalpant Health Treatment Training Healing Center" App PlayStore से डाउनलोड करें-: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tick.connect
Site Se Course Join Kare-: https://kalpanthealingcenter.winuall.com/
Join Prodect Store-: https://d-shriimashwaryamkalpanthealingcenter.dotpe.in
Website link -: https://sites.google.com/site/kalpantsawashram
Youtube Link-: http://www.youtube.com/c/KalpantHealingCenterJagteswerAnandDham
Jagteswer Anand Dham & Kalpant Healing Center (Temple Of Divine Mysteries)
{Physiotherapy, Acupressure, Naturopathy, Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Reiki, Spiritual & Cosmic Healing, Treatment & Training Center}
(Healthy Stress Free Blissful Peaceful & Spiritual Life, Divine Secret Of Living Life)
All diseases Treatment is Available Without Any Drugs & Injection
(All Healing & Meditatin & Treatment Consultation is Available Online on Zoom App, Mobile Call & Whatsapp By Appointment)
Address-: Jagteswer Anand Dham & Kalpant Healing Center, H.N. 35. United Paradise, Behind Krishna Sagar Restaurant, Muradnagar Gang Nahar, NH.58, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad
Contect-: Dr JP Verma (Swami Jagteswer Anand Ji)
(BPT, Md-Acu, C.Y.Ed, G.M Reiki, NDDY & G.M Spiritual Healing, M.I.M.S) {9958502499, 9899410128}, Email-
[email protected]Reiki Healing, Pranic Healing, Psychic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Touch Healing, Cosmic Healing, Chakra Healing, Subconscious Mind Healing, Holistic Healing, Super Power Tantra Healing, Mantra Healing, Deep Waves Healing, Relaxing Waves Healing, Crystal Healing, Stones Healing, Attraction Healing, Cosmic Love Healing, Angel Healing, Spiritual Soul Healing, Heaven Soul Healing, Divine Soul Healing, Divine Healing, Faith healing, Aura Healing, & Other Healing