Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today!
(800) 672-0625
Fungal infections are caused by microorganisms that live on the dead tissues of your skin and nails. Some fungi can naturally be found as part of your skin, and some fungi you can get from the environment like the gym. Gyms are the perfect environment for fungal infections.
Types of Fungal Infections
Ringworm (Tinea corporis)
Ringworm shows up as a red scaly ring on the skin. You can get this from any wet surface in the gym like the locker room, pool area, sauna, or shared yoga mats.
Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)
It is important to wear flip flops when you shower at the gym. Gym showers and saunas are warm and damp - the perfect environment for fungi to thrive in. If you are barefoot at the gym, you are exposing your feet to the fungi on the floors.
Jock itch (Tinea cruris)
This is more common in men, but women can get it too. It is a red, scaly, itchy patch that usually develop in the groin area. It can also develop due to the warmth, sweat friction, and tight clothing.
Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis)
Nail fungus is characterized by yellow or brown discoloration, thickening, and sometimes foul odor. It is more common in toenails because toes are usually in socks that can get warm and sweaty. You can also get toenail fungus from athlete’s foot
If you have nail fungus or it’s symptoms, give us a call at (800)672-0625 to schedule a Free Consultation with our doctors or visit our website at