Bs. As: Report to the forward of the Millionaires Club of Colombia, Willington Ortiz, in which he is asked: -For many experts in the field this is the best win in America, his name is Willington Ortiz and he is 26 years old, he started in Colombia and we want to know what your fundamental characteristics are football? - Are you a win that you play stuck to the line or do you send diagonally through the center? -How would you define the Millionaires team? - Until the moment which has been the player that has impressed you most in all these games that you played for the Cup? (Answers: Ricardo Bochini) - Just tomorrow Bochini reappears, don't you fear this player's talent? -What do you think of tomorrow's game? Then the journalist comments: - "There are very few hours to define Group 1 of the Copa Libertadores de America and the positions are as follows: Independiente and Cali lead the group and is followed by Millionaires of Colombia. We talked with Juan Hohberg that is the technical director of this second team that will face Independiente in Avellaneda. " Report to Juan Eduardo Hohberg, in which he is asked: - Sir, do you think that Millionaires' chances are diminishing when facing Independiente in Avellaneda and with the reappearance of some owners, by employment the Bochini case? - The characteristics of soccer are very similar of both equipment? -What football level does your team arrive at? -What will be the team formation, will it be the same as juice against Quilmes? (Eduardo Carpio / Magnetic)
Date: 12/4/1979
Duration: 3 minutes 55 seconds
Film code: B-01477
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Queries for footage
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