Study Says Ketamine Could
Help With Alcoholism.
The analysis can be found in the
journal, 'Nature Communications.'.
The study says one dose of
ketamine can "re-do" memories
related to what makes people drink.
Ketamine, aka Special K, is known
to alter people's memories.
For the study, a U.K. team observed
90 subjects with "harmful" patterns
of alcohol consumption.
Some of them were given
ketamine and memory therapy.
In less than two weeks, the group reported a smaller urge to drink.
Over nine months, the study adds
that their weekly intake was
slashed by 50 percent.
We found that heavy drinkers experienced a long-term improvement after a very quick and simple experimental treatment, Lead author Dr. Ravi Das,
via study.
Learning is at the heart of why people become addicted to
drugs or alcohol, Lead author Dr. Ravi Das,
via study