India china recent diplomatic ties

Diamond 2019-11-27

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India and china recent diplomatic ties.
ভারত এবং চীন সাম্প্রতিক কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক
India and China will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year with 70 celebratory activities, including cultural, religious and trade promotion events besides military exchanges. The events were finalised in line with the understanding reached by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping during their Second Informal Summit at Mamallapuram on October 11-12 this year. The activities include the two sides holding joint cultural performances at various border posts, visits of Indian naval ships as well as mid-level tri-service delegation of the Indian armed forces to China. Besides hosting parliamentary exchanges, the two countries will conduct various activities to trace civilisational links. On the business and trade front, China will hold a China-India Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum in India and organise the second China-India Drug Regulation. The first forum was held in China.
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