Professional slackliner Rafael Bridi is filmed launching himself off a canyon into Brazil into the depths below that are shrouded in an eerie fog.
Captured on November 1, Bridi is given a countdown by his friends before he jumps off the cliff edge and is swallowed by the foggy abyss.
Bridi wrote on Instagram (@rafabridi): "Diving into emptiness has become a very present action in my life.
"I seek the calm and tranquillity that walking the slackline brings me through controlled, conscious breathing. But for a while now this spicy, adrenaline rush, has been running through my veins with greater intensity.
"Every time I stand with my feet on the edge of the canyon about to jump I check my safety and start counting, the same feelings are repeated.
"Heart speeds up, the body gets hotter and my subtle perceptions broaden. With practice, I have increasingly controlled these euphoric feelings and turned them into pleasure and contemplation.
"In view of this constant evolution, I put here my last leap in full fog and more and more control of my movements and possibilities."