Trump picks own struggling golf resort to host next year's G-7

TomoNews US 2019-10-18

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WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has decided to hold next year's G-7 summit at one of his own resorts down in Florida because—yeah, why not!?
According to Politico, Trump's gut instincts to inject millions of dollars into his financially struggling Trump National Doral Miami resort puts him at risk of violating the Constitution.
Politico reported that according to acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, it was Trump himself who told his staff to consider Doral when they began considering possible summit sites.
Apparently, after looking at 12 locations in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Tennessee and Utah, Trump's guys decided to keep it in-house.
Mulvaney actually told reporters that Doral was "far and away, the best physical facility for this meeting."
Mulvaney continued with the blatant buttkissing, blurting out, "in fact I was talking to one of the advance teams when they came back and I said, 'What was it like?' And they said, 'You're not going to believe this but it's almost like they built this facility to host this type of event.'"
The chief of staff said the summit would be made available "at cost" and that using Trump's OWN resort would save millions of dollars.
If Trump is so rich and successful, why doesn't he just host the summit for free then?
The New York Daily News reported that according to business filings, Doral has been bleeding cash, with its net operating income plummeting 69 percent in the past two years.
The filings also show that room rates, golf and overall revenue are all down.
But not to worry folks, there's clearly no conflict of interest going on here. Golf anyone?

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